Envy vs Jealousy.

Have you ever feel envy of your closest friends? Envy is different than jealousy. Envy is something you wish you could do and be everything like them.

It's crazy, isn’t it? Your best friend shares some big news and you say all the right things and display the right emotions. But inside you’re burning up instead for feeling truly happy, you’re filled with uncontrollable envy but wait, it's NOT that you’re a bad person. You really want to feel happy for your friend. You really want to get rid of these feeling of envy. 

But in the moment, you just can’t. you'd be worried. You feared that if you didn’t get over this feeling u might lose a very good friend. Worse, you might lose yourself and become a bitter person yg penuh dgn kebencian. It took quite some effort to finally come of the situation without ruining ur friendship or rosakkan jiwa kita. And sometimes when we want something so bad and find that our friend got it instead, it fills us up with envy. 

Kita tak nak pun perasaan mcm ni, kita tak mintak. But it’s there. You need to get rid of these thoughts. Accept them for what they are. This is just a normal feelings that arise in a normal human being.

Someday you may realize that the reason you feel envious has little to do with the person who brought out the feelings. Semua ni setan je hasut. While u really can’t stop feeling a sense of envy every now and then, you can choose how you deal with it.


White Lies.

Do you think it's okay to lie in certain circumtances?

I think people lie. Maybe it's part of the human nature. I admit sometimes we lie for many reasons. Not all lies are bad. But it depends on the situation.

There's a difference between lies you are fooled into believing and lies people want to believe.

If we know the truth could affects the person in a negative way. Yes, we told a lie to protect the person. I guess lies are forgivable if the intention is good. Like i said, it depends on the situation, white lies are either hurt or to save someone. 

No im not promoting lies. Everything begins with a decision, it is in your hands to tell a bitter truth or a sweet lies.

Oh ya this entry has nothing to do with anyone. I'm just expressing my thoughts.